Navigation now is not just understanding how to move through space. It also means knowing how to move through information. And information comes to us amidst a cacophonous sea of noise.
Noise exists in various spatial modalities: (land, sea, air, etc.), mediums (human and non-human bodies, news, data, infrastructure, etc.) and contested platforms (television, social media, radio, internet, etc.). There are global and local parameters to both noise and noise navigation that scale up and down. Navigation is making sense of the noise, at times differentiating noise from the message as the field morphs around it; other times taking clues from the noise itself.
Historically, navigation involved finding a way between fixed points. Territory is information in constant flux. The ground is no longer fixed, but fluid. Navigation is a methodology for sense-making in a space of constant dynamism, not plotting lines from understood origins to logical solutions.
Protocol 003_Navigation is not typological but topological. Navigation is recursive positioning.